Green Box of Games Community Wiki


In the times when the world was created, the Creator left the mortals a legendary legacy: the Eye of the Tiger - a stone with unconquerable power. But in the course of time, there were countless battles over this stone and finally the creatures of darkness prevailed and took the stone into the depths of their underworld. It was centuries before the stone's hiding place was discovered by the Circle of Lore Keepers. And only one they wanted to entrust this knowledge: YOU! Your mission is to lure the creatures of darkness from their hiding nest, defeat them and return the stone "The Eye of the Tiger" to its rightful owners.

The player builds a deck of cards during the game. This represents the combat strength and ultimately determines whether the player can win against the game. His goal is to score more points with defeated monsters than there are points of monsters in the monster discard pile.


  1. Set aside the only tile with the arrow – this is the eye of the tiger. Shuffle the remaining tiles and count out 10 of them. Mix the arrow tile into these 10. Place these 11 tiles under the remaining tiles and set this monster pile ready face down. To the right you need space to reveal 3 tiles and a monster discard pile later.
  2. From the cards, shuffle the 18 cards with the light green background (values 1/1/2) together into a face-down deck and place it in front of you.
  3. Use the remaining cards to build up your supply. Build up 6 color-separated stacks of cards (border), whose cards always have the same order. At the bottom is the symbol of the arrow, on top of it the wheel, on top of it the bricks, on top of it the three circles, on top of it the hammers and at the top ot the stack the drop.
  4. Build up to the left of the monster pile 5 rows with cubes for the monster’s special abilities: 1st row, called “no weakness”: 3 green cubes 2nd row, called “light”: 3 white cubes 3rd row, called “half attack”: 3 black cubes 4th row, called “color removed”: 6 cubes in different colors* 5th row, called “color needed”: 6 cubes in different colors* *NOTE: The order in which you place the cubes cannot be changed during the game. However, the color sequence shown in the setup image is not significant. You simply have to place different colored cubes, the order of which does not change in the course of the game.
  5. Set ready the remaining red and blue cubes above the monster pile. This is the attack supply for the monsters. Count the red cubes as 5, and the blue cubes as 1.
  6. Set ready the remaining yellow cubes to the left of your deck. This is the gold supply area.
  7. Set ready the 2 dice.
  8. Reveal the top 3 cards of your deck to the right of your deck. To the right of this layout, you still need space for your discard pile and your personal gold supply.

When you finished setup, it should look like this:




At the beginning of your turn, you reveal the top three cards of your deck. When your deck is used up, now and only now you have the possibility to thinning your deck by removing up to 2 cards from your deck. Then shuffle your discard pile and form a new deck.

In your turn, you have a choice of two actions, one of which you may take:

  • Buy 1 card from your supply (the only option in your first turn)
  • Fight 1 monster

Each action consists of several steps, all of which you must follow in the given order.

Buy in your supply

  1. Count your gold value: it is the sum of the drawn cards with the value 1 (max 3) and your personal gold supply.
  2. You may buy 1 card from your supply. You may only buy the top card of a deck. The price of the card must be less than or equal to your available gold value. Excess gold is forfeited. The price of a card is equal to the number of "white dots" in the symbol of that card (see later for details).
  3. If the drawn cards are all the same border color, you may take additionally the top card of the matching color deck and place it in your discard pile.
  4. Move the top tile of the monster deck one field to the right. If there is already another tile, move it one field to the right too (and possibly also the monster that is there). If this causes a monster tile to leave the last field, place it on the discard pile of monster tiles and remove its power cubes. If the eye of the tiger reaches the outermost field, because a monster leaves (not by fight), the game ends immediately and the eye of the tiger is placed on the monster discard pile (count as monster points).
  5. Roll the two dice to determine the strength of the new monster and any special ability. Place as many red and blue cubes on the monster tile to mark its power. If you rolled a double, you activate the corresponding special ability of the monster at the same time by marking it with a corresponding cube from the supply (left of the monster pile) (see later for details).
  6. Discard all drawn cards to your discard pile.

Fight against monsters

  1. You may battle 1 monster that is on one of the three fields to the right of the monster pile. The monster on the top of the pile is not ready for battle yet (still face down). If there is no monster to the right of the monster pile, no monster is ready for battle (then you have to buy in your supply). To battle, you need light and attack (see later for details). If you have not enough to beaten the monster, you cannot fight (then you have to buy in your supply too).
  2. If you’re able to fight, first count the sum of your light on your drawn cards to find out, if you're getting a penalty against one of the monsters because of too less light. Then count the values of your drawn card. Even after subtracting the light penalty, this value must be equal to or higher than the monster power (shown by the red and blue cubes). Note that certain special abilities of the monster will only allow certain of your drawn cards in battle, or reduce your attack power (see later for details).
  3. After you’ve beaten the monster, place it on your defeated monster pile. Don’t fill up the gap on the monster fields and no monster moves. You’ve earned a break. If you’ve beaten the monster with just 1 drawn card or with drawn cards in matching colors, you get extra gold (see later for details). If you've beaten the monster by using a card with a matching symbol to the monster, you lose one of this cards (remove it from the game, not discarded).
  4. If you’ve beaten the monster that is to the right of the eye of the tiger, the game ends. Otherwise, the eye of the tiger just moves one field. If the eye of the tiger reaches the outermost field, because a monster leaves, the game also ends.
  5. Discard all drawn cards to your discard pile.

Card explanations


The cards you have in your deck at the beginning and buy from your supply during the game have various functions while their drawn, which are different depending on their use (buy or fight).

Use to buy:

  • Value on the drawn card: Only cards of value 1 earn gold (1 gold each).
  • White dots on the card in the supply: This is the price of the card in gold (1 to 6).
  • Border color on the drawn card: If all the drawn cards have matching colors, additionally, you get the top card of this colored deck in the supply.
  • The value on the card in the supply and the white dots on the drawn card have no meaning in buying.

Use to fight:

  • Value on the drawn card: This is the amount of attack (1 to 6).
  • White dots on the drawn card: The off-rounded half of the number of points of each card individually is the value of the light (1 = 0, 2/3 = 1, 4/5 = 2, 6 =3).
  • Border color on the drawn card: Certain monster’s special abilities interrogate with the colors. If you've beaten a monster with just 1 drawn card or if the used drawn cards have matching colors, you get the up-rounded half of the number of the white dots on the monster’s symbols as gold in your personal gold supply (1/2 = 1, 3/4 = 2, 5/6 = 3). Take as many yellow cubes from the gold supply.

Light and attack

Since the monsters are still in the cave entrance, you need a certain amount of light to fight them. The further back (the closer to the monster pile) the monster is, the more light you need. The first field next to the monster pile needs 3 light, the middle one 2 light and the outermost one 1 light. If there is a yellow cube (activated special ability) on the monster, the cube reduces your amount of light from your drawn cards by 1. If you don't have enough light, you can still attack. However, each missing light reduces your attack power by 2.

Scenerie 1: Able to fight, because enough light and attack power


The player is able to attack the last monster on position 3 because

- this monster needs 3 light (III) and 4 attack (4 blue cubes) in minimum

- the player has 1+0+3 = 4 light (white dots per each card off-rounded half), so he get's no penalty on his attack power

- the player has 5 attack (sum of values of the cards)

Scenerie 2: Able to fight, although not enough light, but enough attack power to take the penalty


The player is able to attack all the monsters because

- the player has 0+0+1 = 1 light (white dots per each card off-rounded half), but for the monster III there is 3 light needed and for the monster II 2 light. So, because he has to less light, he get's a penalty on monster III of 4 (3 needed light minus 1 owning light duplicatet by 2) and on monster II of 2 (2 needed light minus 1 owning light duplicated by 2). For the monster I, the player has enough light.

- the player can take the penalty on the monster III and II, because he has still enough attack power after taking the penalty: On monster III, the remaining attack power is 8 (12 owning attack power minus 4 light penalty) and on monster II, the remaining attack power is 10 (12 owning attack power minus 2 light penalty).

Scenerie 3: Not able to fight, because mot enough light and not enough attack power to take the penalty


The player isn't able to attack a monster because

- the player has 1+0+1 = 2 light, but for the monster III he needs 3 lights, so he get's a light penalty of 2 on his attack power

- the remaining attack power is 3 (5 owning attack power mins 2 light penalty), so he is to weak to fight

- all other monsters are to strong

Scenerie 4: Able to fight, but losing a card after fight


The player is able to attack all the monsters, but

- if the player fights against the monster III, he needs the cards "drop 6" and "wheel 2" to take the light penalty of 2. Because the monster has also a wheel, the player loses the wheel card after fight.

- if the player fights against the monster II, he needs all the cards (enough light). Because the monster has also a drop, the player loses one of the drop cards after the fight.

- if the player fights against the monster I, he needs the cards "drop 6" and "drop 1" or "wheel 2" (enough light). Because the monster has non same symbols, the player didn't lose a card after fight.

Scenerie 5: Able to fight and gaininig gold


- if the player fights against the monster III, he just needs the card "arrow 4" (enought light and enough attack power). Because he just used 1 card to fight, he gains 3 extra gold for this fight (white dots in the wheel up-rounded half).

- if the player fights against the monster I, he needs the cards "arrow 4" and "wheel 3". Because both cards have the same border color (green), he gains 1 extra gold for this fight (white dots in the hammer up-rounded half).

Monster's special abilities

Each time you roll a double with the dice when determining the strength of the newly appearing monster, you activate a special ability on that monster. This ability remains on the monster until it is defeated or it disappears into the Monster Card discard pile (except “Emerging pain”, as this function is executed immediately one time).

Double Special Ability Marker
2x One No weakness: Cards with a value of 1 cannot participate in the fight. put 1 green cube in the lower center
2x Two Light: You must have enough light to fight against this monster (not compensable with attack power reduction). put 1 white cube in the lower center
2x Three Half attack: Your sum of attack is halved against this monster. put 1 black cube in the lower center
2x Four Color removed: Before fighting this monster, you must discard a drawn card in the matching color. If you have no cards in the matching color, you don’t have to discard a drawn card. put the 1st cube of the according row (the far right)* in the bottom right
2x Five Color needed: You can fight only with cards in the matching color against this monster. If you have no cards in the matching color, you cannot fight against this monster. put the 1st cube of the according row (the far right)* in the bottem left
2x Six Emerging Pain: Remove the top card from your deck from play. If the deck is empty, remove the top card from the discard pile. None, as this function is executed immediately

* If a monster (defeated or discarded) with such a cube disappears, put it back on the corresponding row on the far right.

Winning the game

Once the player defeats the monster that is located to the right of the Eye of the Tiger, the game ends immediately and the last beaten monster and the Eye of the Tiger are placed on the defeated monster pile of the player.

  1. Count the sum of the white dots on the tiles in the monster discard pile. This is your target value.
  2. Count the sum of the white dots on the tiles in the pile of the defeated monsters.

If you have more points in your defeated monster pile than are in the monster discard pile, you have won the game and saved the Eye of the Tiger. We better not think about the alternative...

Advanced mode

For players with a more experience and who want to increase the difficulty of the game, therefore is this advanced mode. Additional monster abilities and properties come into play, which are triggered by the dice roll of a newly appearing monster or situationally. So, if you roll a double, the monster get's the standard AND the advanced ability.

Situation Effect Marker
roll 3 in sum Only matching symbols can be used against this monster in fight. put 2 black cubes above*
roll 4 in sum (no double) This monster reduces your available light by 1. put 1 white cube above*
roll 6 in sum (no double) A matching symbol cannot be used against this monster in fight. put 1 black cube below*
roll 8 in sum (no double) At least 1 matching symbol must be used against this monster in fight. put 1 black cube above*
roll 10 in sum (no double) Only cards that are either all even or all odd can be used against this monster. put 1 blue cube above*
roll 11 Against this monster, the player may remove a drawn card after the fight and double its value in return. put 1 red cube above*
two same symbols appear one after another on new monsters The power of the second of these monsters increases by +2 in addition to the die roll. put 2 blue cubes additionally on the monster
three or more same symbols appear one after another on new monsters The power of the third and all following of these monsters increase by +3 in addition to the die roll. put 3 blue cubes additionally on the monster
two monsters with the same symbol are defeated one after the other** The player gets +1 light permanently. place 1 white cube next to the deck
three monsters with the same symbol are defeated one after the other** The player gets +2 attack power permanently. place 2 blue cubes next to the deck
two monsters with the same symbol are discarded one after the other A card from the supply with a matching symbol is removed from the game. none, as this situation is executed immediately
three monsters with the same symbol are discarded one after the other A monster on position I (far right) gets +2 power permanently (only on this position). put 2 blue cubes below position I
3 cards with matching symbols are drawn The player may buy up to 2 cards in this round. none, as this situation is executed immediately

* The placed cubes move with the monster tiles.

** Buying turns may occur between these fights, but no monster with another symbol between them may be defeated for this effect to occur. If a monster with another symbol is defeated in between, this situation is cancelled.
